Capel Manor College

Capel Manor College has been a thrilling rollercoaster ride and undoubtedly the most important three years that I’ve ever carried out in my entire life to date. It was November 2013 that I took the risk to leave the job that I had which happened to be working as an electrical engineering apprentice at a store in London called Harrods to pursue a career working with animals. You probably think why on earth would somebody do such a transition right? Well let me explain why I did it, and hopefully, you’ll understand my story!

Handling a wild Ringed-neck parakeet that couldn’t fly

I chose overall happiness over the desire to chase money. You have to ask yourself something every time you wake up in the morning, and that something is this… “Am I passionate about what I’m doing and am I happy?” Most of the time people work in jobs they don’t even like, and they’re not passionate about what they do. These kind of individuals are usually happy remaining in their comfort zones and never really have the chance to discover what they’re passionate about or their actual purpose in life. I, fortunately, realised that I’ve always loved animals – it’s what I’m passionate about, it’s what makes me happy and it’s what led me to Capel Manor College to study animal related studies such as Animal Care Diploma (Level 2) and Animal Management Advanced Diploma (Level 3). During my three years on this course I was able to grow so much as a person and had the privilege of learning so much about the animal related topics which the college provided – I was defiantly at home on this course.

A very relaxed leopard gecko

Before my journey at Capel Manor College began, I didn’t really have much knowledge on a deeper level of animal related subjects.  As I obtained most of my experience from wildlife documentaries which aired on television programmes such as Animal Planet, Eden and Nat Geo Wild – so I never really had an in-depth knowledge other than knowing the basics and that happened to just be enough. I think just having the passion, enthusiasm and drive is sufficient to see you through – as the rest will work itself out as you go along on the journey.

Through Capel Manor College I was able to successfully obtain a few work experience placements in real animal industries, and this was utterly mind-blowing knowing where I came from and having the opportunity to be where I was. You see, where I’m from in (Northern Cyprus) – I was only exposed to farm livestock which my uncle raised on our land such as sheep, goats, chickens, etc. I have also been exposed to native species of animals which included bearded dragons, little owls, snakes, etc. Having the opportunity to actually work with a diverse range of species left me lost for words, and I sometimes had to ask myself if this is really happening to me.

Farm practical with newborn lamb

I even had the opportunity to record a promotional advert for the college at Kiss 100 studios in Soho, London which truly was an honour and I was delighted to help inspire the future generation of students to enrol at the college, to feel and experience the great things which I had experienced.









I’m so happy that I obtained enough courage to take the risk to change careers. Lord knows I cannot state how much it has changed my life and if you have a dream and become unsure of taking that leap of faith into achieving that dream – all I can say to you is “What are you waiting for?” A dream is just a dream, and nothing will change if no action is taken into achieving that dream – you will wake up every day hoping for a change, and nothing will happen without you moving and contributing to making whatever goal you have become a reality.I now have the opportunity to change my life around – from previously having a broken life that had no direction, and I now have the chance to go to university which happened to be an experience I thought would never occur in this lifetime.

Brothers, sisters and friends, make that dream of yours a reality and come out of your comfort zones – you won’t suddenly wake up richer, fitter, smarter, successful, and the sooner that thought escapes your minds – the sooner you can actually achieve what you desire. Nothing is stopping you from the greatness that you hold and the potential you may have to really make a difference, but yourself…

Take Action!

Animal Care Diploma (Level 2) qualification successfully achieved

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